Tuesday 23 June 2020

Self-Quarantine Chronicles – Part 2

Day 3: 15th June 2020

I love the balcony, from where the view is lovely. A phone call in the balcony is a good idea, I thought. Seems like it wasn’t. The crow, who I had teased, decided to take revenge. It landed on the balcony roof. I still didn’t think much of it. While I was looking the other way, it flew right above my head, leaving me scurrying back into the room. Fortunately, the mesh door was in an unlocked position. Otherwise, I would have died out of heart attack. Looks like someone in the world wants me out of the way!

I have not visited the balcony alone after that. Frightened chick, I am.

The same day, Teji wanted me to oil her hair. I was applying liberal portions of coconut oil on her hair, straight from the bottle. Once, when I pressed the bottle, the bull’s eye turned out to be Teji’s mouth! She was singing ‘Despacito’ and, when she said ‘to’ of this word, there was an oil spill there! A little splash on her pants and T-shirt, and I was done for the day.

Day 4: 16th June 2020

It was Teji’s birthday, and the Ashram kitchen was kind enough to make her favourite breakfast and also send across a special sweet for the two of us, poor quarantined people.
Rest of the day was spent by her answering calls or replying to messages. Overall, a quiet day – unlike any other 16th June for Teji. I didn’t venture out to the balcony….

Day 5: 17th June 2020

We decided to change roles. I would be Teji and she would be me. I was a little less adept at this, but she had to be very serious and scold me for every wrong move I made and, say ‘no’ to anything I suggested. She did full justice to the role till it lasted. It didn’t last long, though! We were back in our original roles by the evening and had a good laugh. May be the room was much quieter than other days during our role play. Both of us ended up becoming silent – she, because she took on the role well and me, because I couldn’t be her for God’s sake! A quiet room, which even the crow did not disturb.

In the evening, we saw beautiful birds – the golden oriole, the warblers, the mynas, the bulbuls, etc. (which we are thrilled to see every day). Some of them sat quietly on the branches when we sang. Music has that effect, you know!

Day 6: 18th June 2020

The crow was back at the balcony – threatening me with guttural sounds which didn’t seem like cawing at all. Maybe it was scolding me. Teji told him to be merciful and forgive me for the grave mistake I had made of teasing him. Let’s see what tomorrow is like... We still have 8 days more to go in self-quarantine.

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